This release adds a big new feature: Calendars!

Using the original basic (and Russian) code for dynamically displaying a month’s days and signifying some have events, a complex calendar is now possible.

To add to a site using minimaJake, just include this on any page (example):

{% include custom/ %}

There is a live example on this site with sample data, give it a look! Intended for my internet history site, the key features are:

Dark mode & responsive support

It looks pretty good in both light and dark mode, with the number of columns responding to screen width, and the clickable days using the site’s accent colour:

Dark Light Mobile

I’ll likely tidy up the code & UI a bit eventually, but it’s definitely good enough for now!

Automatically populated

Using a dates array defined in any post’s front matter, events are collated and used to populate an events string that is attached to the day’s data-events field.

The dates format is intentionally simple, so that it can be extended with additional metadata if required. For now, just a date and title is enough.

  - { date: "2024-01-01", title: "First Jan event" }
  - { date: "2018-04-08", title: "An event from April 2018" }
  - {
      date: "2020-08-19",
      title: "August event with a long name that goes on and on",
  - { date: "2024-10-08", title: "Calendars released in minimaJake v1.1.0!" }

Info dialog

Firstly, the “years ago” is calculated based on the stated date. Then, the event’s information is displayed along with a link to the original post.

This uses an HTML dialog, meaning almost no JavaScript is required. All that’s needed is setting a click event on each event day, that sets the dialog’s contents and makes it visible. That’s it!

eventDays.forEach((day) => {
  day.addEventListener("click", function () {
    eventContent.innerHTML =
      "<h3>On this day:</h3>" + this.getAttribute("data-events");

Even the close button uses plain old HTML, thanks to a neat feature of dialogs:

<dialog id="eventDialog">
  <p id="eventContent"></p>
  <form method="dialog">
    <button autofocus>Close</button>

I’ll likely do a longer write-up on my programming blog once it’s properly released, let me know if you want any extra features!